Importance of Superfoods

Custom Wildcrafted Living Foods

At Sera Soma with our affiliate team of holistic nutritionists and herbalists, we guide you toward a live food centered diet that optimally delivers your system the highest vitality you require. All the while easing your system into alignment at a pace that meets you where you are. When working with us we ensure that you will receive the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids, all at levels far outshining simply surviving. We offer the following information to empower your nutritional decision making process.

Living foods are the key to our health and longevity. They allow our bodies to perform optimally as they were designed to. Our bodies have evolved over a four million year period. For 3,950,000 of those years we ate only raw, living foods. It is only recently that we have begun eating food that has been cooked over a fire. This cooking leads to significant changes in the structure of the food as well as in those creatures who ingest it. When we look at other mammals in nature, we do not see any significant incidence of the diseases that have become pervasive in humans. No cancer, heart disease, strokes or diabetes.

Before discussing why living foods are so critical to our health, let’s examine what cooking does to food. The first thing that is lost when you cook something is its’ water content. Our bodies are between 60% and 70% water. Vegetables and fruits are loaded with water, actually a structured form of water that better hydrates and facilitates our biological processes. Cooking as well denatures the proteins in our food, rendering them harder to digest and utilize.

Cooking destroys 50 percent of the protein in our food. Between 50 and 80 percent of the vitamins and minerals are also destroyed, sometimes much more. Pesticides break down into more toxic compounds with cooking, which are more easily assimilated into our bodies. Oxygen is lost and free radicals are produced.

Most importantly, enzymes are destroyed when food is heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Enzymes are the catalysts of every chemical reaction in our bodies. Without them, there can be no cellular division, immune system functioning, energy production, nor brain activity. No vitamins or hormones can do their work without enzymes. There are two different types of enzymes in our bodies, metabolic enzymes and digestive enzymes.

Interestingly, every food contains exactly the perfect mix of digestive enzymes to break it down completely. These are also known as food enzymes. Nature in its never-ending perfection sees to it that all food whether flesh, fruit or vegetable, decomposes and returns to the earth from which it came.

Cooking our food above 118 degrees (approximately the temperature which hurts to put your finger in) destroys its enzymes, leaving our bodies to generate the enzymes necessary to digest it, and divert metabolic enzymes from their normal task of removing waste and debris from the body.

As metabolic enzymes are freed up to do their job, the body becomes clear and efficient again.

On a more subtle but potent level, living foods retain their bio-plasmic radiant field, recognizable with the GDV Kirlian Camera we employ here at Sera Soma. It is conjectured that it is this bio-plasmic energy, more than anything, which we truly take our sustenance from.

It is beyond conjecture though, that a person who has made it a habit to eat primarily living foods bears a bio-plasmic field, or life force energy field, with increased radiance.

This radiance translates practically, into heightened capacity for vibrational acceleration and spiritual sensitivities. Though food is not the only factor to take into account of course, we at Sera Soma consider it as a foundational influence from which to build further successes.

Enhanced Vitality

Ethno-Nutrition Consultation

We strive to educate and guide you into an enhanced understanding of nutrition that empowers you to make educated choices that delivering to you the highest degree of vitality.

Sera Soma’s approach to understanding and alleviating disease through enhanced vitality is as follows:

  • Acidosis is the basis for three quarters of the dis-eases or uneasiness that a person experiences.

  • Deficiencies are often diagnosed as hereditary condition by allopathic medicine and account for a great portion of maladies.

  • The Creator’s creation (untainted radiant foods and flora) will bring the body back to a point of homeostasis, the state of balance.

  • The seven Endocrine Systems are best brought back to their natural resonant frequency.

  • Live Foods = More Vitality

  • Foods high in Oxygen = More Life for Blood, Tissues and Cells (Alkalinity)

  • Alkalinity = Life

  • Anything that reproduces itself can and will deliver the body a unique dynamic healing (Roots and Seeds)


Exclusive, organic herbal formulas are ground and mixed upon prescription to ensure freshness and potency. Herbs are being re-recognized as a viable alternation to many forms of pharmaceuticals medicines. Herbs bear the carrier waves for countless subtle healing frequencies found in vital nature.

Book Your Free Nutrition Consultation Today

We are dedicated to helping you improve your health. Book your first nutrition consultation today and we will connect you with one of our dedicated nutritionists.

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